What drives a twenty years old girl to crucify a raw chicken and to display it in a glass case, then stacking it with other caskets containing or a vegetarian meal that seems regurgitated but, sadly, it is not, or rather the appalling waste of pastries made with potatoes and a sauce that seems to menstruation?
The answer is nothing, if not required her to validate the time sheet, a miserable motivation for the students that, if they chose an expensive art school, it is assumed that they’re interesting in the happening….
But we take a step back:
I was invited to attend a performance of the Fluxus group.
Fluxus was a group of international artists, new dada, who found in Maciunas a reference point. The designer was able to bring together artists from theUnited States , Europe and the Far East . Initiatives and projects have extended beyond art to achieve political and socio-cultural engagement, looking for a better world and raising awareness of people as individuals.
I was invited to attend a performance of the Fluxus group.
Fluxus was a group of international artists, new dada, who found in Maciunas a reference point. The designer was able to bring together artists from the
Were the fabulous 50s and 60s and 70s and be rebels or utopians was a lucrative business as another.
Fluxus is an idea that claims the artistic potential of the most common and basic gestures and promotes the intrusion in the creative flow of everyday life (hence the name of the movement). The aim is to create a total art that focuses on music, dance, poetry, theater and performance, with the birth of the "happening" here takes on different art forms, and unconventional libertarian, with public participation .
In the absence of Duchamp and Maciunas, who sent a note of apology, but both had unavoidable commitments, there were mini Fluxus to performer who, cutes cutes, during the Fluxus dinner, set up in the bar of the Naba, Nabari for those who want to rage further, they have served various dishes counterclockwise (so rebel!), from canned fruit in syrup, to canned vegetables and baked beans until the main course: mussels and boiled eggs, "which color combination is a powerful symbol of the movement’s colors," explained the teacher to the pupils.
The central part of the performance consisted logically in observing the invited’s behavior to grips with the cans to open, and despite all the merits you could have, never overstimate you faced with a manual can opener, the bread to break and reports entertained during the banquet,the performance was the flow of time within which the actions took place, the time was the work.
After dinner the steward has revealed the antic secret of the odd in the course.
"You have destroyed works of art (Which may I ask?), You have participated in a happening, (hurrà!)"
If it were limited to this end I probably would have inserted the evening under the heading
"Banality prevailing posing as art"
However, the final gag comedy in which guests were called upon to vote by show of hands the "works" made by students of the new Academy of Fine Arts, which I dispassionately board to introduce a placement test if at least one Rorschach test.
Students had great difficulty remembering what they had created, since the design thickness of which the works were infused, and they found it hard to raise his hand even before the possibility that this was the only chance to get even one vote. I suppose this failure was due to the fact that the teacher had innocently escape that an hand show didn’t count for the average, big mistake!
The honor and glory’s winner was a girl who had crucified a raw chicken, with 99 votes out of 100, the missing one was mine, hers teammates were stunned in the face of such great irreverence and transgression, anything had never seen crucifing since INRI times. The artist, after realizing that the chicken was hers, tried to motivate hers expression, which failed because of it implied the concept to arrange some syllables, so, finally, using colorful slang language, her claimed art for art, and hers friends have applauded.
The runner had presented a brain, if he had written on “dick” he would come first.
Fluxus is an idea that claims the artistic potential of the most common and basic gestures and promotes the intrusion in the creative flow of everyday life (hence the name of the movement). The aim is to create a total art that focuses on music, dance, poetry, theater and performance, with the birth of the "happening" here takes on different art forms, and unconventional libertarian, with public participation .
In the absence of Duchamp and Maciunas, who sent a note of apology, but both had unavoidable commitments, there were mini Fluxus to performer who, cutes cutes, during the Fluxus dinner, set up in the bar of the Naba, Nabari for those who want to rage further, they have served various dishes counterclockwise (so rebel!), from canned fruit in syrup, to canned vegetables and baked beans until the main course: mussels and boiled eggs, "which color combination is a powerful symbol of the movement’s colors," explained the teacher to the pupils.
The central part of the performance consisted logically in observing the invited’s behavior to grips with the cans to open, and despite all the merits you could have, never overstimate you faced with a manual can opener, the bread to break and reports entertained during the banquet,the performance was the flow of time within which the actions took place, the time was the work.
After dinner the steward has revealed the antic secret of the odd in the course.
"You have destroyed works of art (Which may I ask?), You have participated in a happening, (hurrà!)"
If it were limited to this end I probably would have inserted the evening under the heading
"Banality prevailing posing as art"
However, the final gag comedy in which guests were called upon to vote by show of hands the "works" made by students of the new Academy of Fine Arts, which I dispassionately board to introduce a placement test if at least one Rorschach test.
Students had great difficulty remembering what they had created, since the design thickness of which the works were infused, and they found it hard to raise his hand even before the possibility that this was the only chance to get even one vote. I suppose this failure was due to the fact that the teacher had innocently escape that an hand show didn’t count for the average, big mistake!
The honor and glory’s winner was a girl who had crucified a raw chicken, with 99 votes out of 100, the missing one was mine, hers teammates were stunned in the face of such great irreverence and transgression, anything had never seen crucifing since INRI times. The artist, after realizing that the chicken was hers, tried to motivate hers expression, which failed because of it implied the concept to arrange some syllables, so, finally, using colorful slang language, her claimed art for art, and hers friends have applauded.
The runner had presented a brain, if he had written on “dick” he would come first.
Cosa spinge una ventenne a crocifiggere un pollo crudo e ad esporlo in una teca,successivamente impilarla su altre teche contenenti o un pranzo vegetariano che sembra rigurgitato ma, tristezza, non lo è, o piuttosto degli abominevoli pasticcini fatti con scarti di patate e una salsa che pare mestruo?
La risposta è assolutamente nulla, se non l’obbligo di obliterare il foglio presenze, una motivazione miserrima per degli studenti che, se hanno scelto una costosa scuola d’arte, si presume che di happening s’interessino, ma facciamo un passo indietro…
Sono stata invitata ad assistere a una performance del gruppo Fluxus.
Fluxus fu un collettivo di artisti internazionali, neodadaisti, attivi che trovarono in Maciunas un punto di riferimento. L'ideatore fu capace di riunire artisti provenienti dagli Stati Uniti, dall'Europa e dall'Estremo Oriente. Iniziative e progetti si estendevano oltre l'arte per raggiungere politica e impegno socio-culturale, alla ricerca di un mondo migliore e per elevare la consapevolezza delle persone come individui, erano i favolosi anni '50/'60/'70 ed essere ribelli o utopisti era un’attività remunerativa come un’ altra.
Fluxus è un'idea che rivendica il potenziale artistico dei gesti più comuni ed elementari e promuove lo sconfinamento dell'atto creativo nel flusso della vita quotidiana (da qui il nome del movimento). Lo scopo è realizzare un'arte totale che predilige la musica, la danza, la poesia, il teatro e la performance, con la nascita degli "happening": qui l'arte assume diverse forme, anticonvenzionali e libertarie, con la partecipazione del pubblico.
In assenza di Duchamp Maciunas, che hanno mandato un biglietto di scuse ma avevano entrambi impegni inderogabili,erano presenti dei mini Fluxus a fare da performer, che, bravini bravini, durante la cena fluxus allestita nel bar della naba, nabar per chi volesse infierire ulteriormente, hanno servito diverse portate in senso antiorario, (anticonformisti!), dagli scatolami di frutta sciroppata, agli scatolami di legumi fino alla portata principale cozze e uova sode, “il cui accostamento cromatico è evocativo dei colori simbolo del movimento”, spiegò la maestra ai bambini.
La parte centrale della performance consisteva logicamente nell’osservazione del comportamento degli invitati alle prese con lo scatolame da aprire, e per quanti meriti possiate avere non sopravvalutatevi mai di fronte a un apriscatole manuale, il pane da spezzare e i rapporti intrattenutisi durante il convivio, la performance era il flusso temporale all’interno del quale si svolgevano le azioni, il tempo era l’opera.
Al termine della cena il maestro di tavola ha svelato l’arcano delle volute stramberie nelle portate.
“avete distrutto opere d’arte (Quali di grazia?),avete partecipato ad un happening, (hurrà!)”
Se ci si fosse limitati a questa chiusura probabilmente avrei inserito la serata sotto la voce
“Banalità imperanti che si spacciano arte”
Tuttavia lo stacchetto comico finale in cui s’invitavano gli ospiti a votare per alzata di mano le “opere” realizzate dagli studenti della nuova accademia di belle arti, alla quale consiglio spassionatamente d’introdurre se non un test d’ingresso almeno un test di Rorschach.
Gli studenti hanno avuto grosse difficoltà a ricordarsi cosa avevano creato, visto lo spessore progettuale di cui le opere erano intrise e stentavano ad alzare la mano anche davanti alla possibilità che questa fosse l’unica chance di ottenere anche un solo voto. Questa inadempienza immagino fosse dovuta al fatto che la maestra si fosse ingenuamente fatta scappare che l’alzata di mano non faceva media, grande errore!
La vincitrice di onore e gloria era una ragazza che aveva crocifisso un pollo crudo, con 99 voti su 100, l’uno mancante era il mio, i suoi compagni erano allibiti di fronte a cotanta trasgressione e irriverenza, mai si era visto crocifiggere qualcosa dai tempi di INRI. L’artista dopo essersi resa conto che il pollo era il suo, ha tentato di dare una motivazione alla sua espressione, cosa che non le è riuscita perché implicava il concetto di affiancare delle sillabe e usando un linguaggio gergale e colorito ha rivendicato l’arte per l’arte, e i suoi amichetti l’hanno applaudita.
Il secondo classificato aveva presentato un cervello, se ci avesse scritto cazzo sarebbe arrivato primo.
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